It is officially official! Tom is retired as of today...38.5 yrs at UTA. He has taken the last few weeks off as vacation time so it seems like he was retired anyway. The first day he was off, I told him he missed the train. Then I told him he was late for work. He just laughed at me!
With being retired, I told Tom that he put me into the OLD category now and I'm not even 60 yet! I know my body is getting older, but my spirit is still young. Too young to be retired! We have been trying to work out all the finances these past weeks - We basically lose all insurances that he carried. He can go on Cobra, but I can't. He loses his life insurance too. Hopefully we can get all this figured out.
I'm going to try (notice I said try- not will!) to post a couple of times a week. Hopefully this will help us to remember what is going on now in our lives at this new & exciting time.